What is a DevaCurl Devacut?
The DevaCurl Devacut removes weight buildup around the shoulder area. It’s the solution to eliminating the dreaded triangle look. Senior stylist Hope has trained at the academy in New York for the last ten years and has established herself as the only level 3 Deva certified stylist within 100 miles of Augusta.
#devacurl #curlygirlmethod

What is a Rëzo Cut?
Rezo is a new trend in curly hair that has only been around four years. It’s gaining traction as an award-winning technique created by Nubia, a former DevaCurl certified educator, and stylist in New Jersey. This haircut technique creates more expansion and volume in the hair. It’s perfect for any curl pattern whose desire is to achieve a round shape with balances volume.

Why do we Use Goldwell Color?
Salon Sano prides itself on using only the premium products in hair color. Senior Stylist, Hope, has invested in the master colorist course at the GOLDWELL academy in Santa Monica. This line has patented micro-lipid technology that penetrates and magnetically sticks to the hair in a way that gives longevity to the color service performed.